David Lance
Written Portfolio
Past. Present. Future.
How a Baltimore barber goes beyond the shop and gives life advice to people in need
In a small room — large enough to fit a barber’s chair, a table adorned with hair products and a beautician’s sink — barber Derel Owens and Juan Batty were engaged in deep conversation that went beyond typical small talk.
The two talked about losing their parents, as well as cannabis and alcohol use.
Check out the full piece here:
Photo: Ulysses Munoz(Baltimore Banner)
Athletic fields at historic Riverside Park get a makeover
It’s not everyday that an established Baltimore City park with a rich history grows.
But that’s exactly what’s happening at Riverside Park in South Baltimore, where the city’s acquisition of land once owned by CSX has cleared the way for an expansion of one of its oldest parks.
Check out the full piece here: https://www.thebaltimorebanner.com/community/local-news/riverside-park-baltimore-city-gateway-partnership-GYD7XKI5JFFRVMQICIBUUOR4OI/
Girl raises $3,600 for homeless shelters for 6th birthday
As many young girls approach their birthday, they look forward to a party and the gifts they’re going to receive.
As Tatum Byerson neared her sixth birthday, however, she began looking for a way to give back to her community.
Check out the full piece here:
Photo: Dylan Thiessen(Baltimore Banner)